Monday, February 6, 2012

Youtube Music Scene

     Hey to all my followers (which concludes of zero-not including me)! Just popping in again. Blog subject: music from YouTube. Although I know some of you would question this; but I believe that YouTube is at the forefront of music. Let's just throw this out into the open here: besides Itunes there really isn't a lot of music circling around digitally. And I'm just being honest when I say this but, I don't really think anyone pays mind to SOPA.What's the largest free-music database??? You guessed it. YouTube. This is like a whole bunch of lakes; and YouTube is the biggest-cleanest one. The others look like dirty mud puddles- and are a little bit fishy. Pun intended ;). The fishermen and people all want to go to the big clean lake. I wouldn't blame them. And if you're using sites like Napster or programs like Frost/Limewire; you know what they say...the grass is greener on the other side. Now don't take my words too close to heart (IN OTHER WORDS A DISCLAIMER). I'm not telling you to go out on the internet and illegally download music; I'm just merely saying that YouTube is a good way for discovering and listening to music. And if you do choose to download, don't mention me. It's not my fault. Anyway's, I'll post a link to my YouTube channel. There you can listen to the songs I'm listening to. Most of my video's are not what I'm listening to: they are most likely in my "liked" or "Favorited" videos. Here we are: the magic link...
However, if I'm ever REALLY raving about a song or musician(s), I'll be more than likely to post it on here.

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